søndag den 7. november 2010

school shuting

School shooting is when chrildren or young people are maet or sad. there is somthing in the brain , there is shooting down. 

The school can have a certainty system, when the children meeting at the school they shall through the certanity system. so if they have a gun they can be caught.

People in USA meay buy guns, if they have applide to get a gun it is leagl. Os in USA is it the state and the adults hue is responsible for school shooting. In USA there is a lot of pore people and they goes to a nother school in they rich people, and the pore children don`t have the same possibility to learn because the school have no money to have teachers on the school. Os if a chrild have problems at home, or in the school they can`t get help.

I think it is foolish, because people deading without a reason. all people shut have a long life and children shut have it fun and not shoot each other.

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