søndag den 14. november 2010

om ligefrem og omvendt ordstilling

i ligefrem ordstilling kommer grundled før udsagnsled. 

omvendt ordstilling indledes med et  nægtende eller begræntede adverbilet led, ex hardly , seldom, never, only, not, until - har omvendt ordstilling.

søndag den 7. november 2010

school shuting

School shooting is when chrildren or young people are maet or sad. there is somthing in the brain , there is shooting down. 

The school can have a certainty system, when the children meeting at the school they shall through the certanity system. so if they have a gun they can be caught.

People in USA meay buy guns, if they have applide to get a gun it is leagl. Os in USA is it the state and the adults hue is responsible for school shooting. In USA there is a lot of pore people and they goes to a nother school in they rich people, and the pore children don`t have the same possibility to learn because the school have no money to have teachers on the school. Os if a chrild have problems at home, or in the school they can`t get help.

I think it is foolish, because people deading without a reason. all people shut have a long life and children shut have it fun and not shoot each other.

fredag den 29. oktober 2010


1.  80% af menneskerne bor på landet.  20% af befolkningen bor i byen.  75-80% af landbrugsjorden var ejet af en lille gruppe mennesker på ca. 700.  der bode ca. 60.000 bondefamilier på gårdene. slutningen af 1700 tallet var der omkring 90.000 familier.


søndag den 19. september 2010

Guns in America

1. The moderator Lisa's first question to the members of the debate is: Why do people own guns? 
Write down what Andrea, Maxwell, and Jessica believe is the reason for this. 
answer : they own guns for protesion of there familie, they use guns because they feel insecure, when they walk on the street.

2. Jessica says that many Americans waant to have a gun because of the media and films. Do you agree with Jessica? Why? Why not?
answer: I agree, because people want to look like they are some tough guys like the  actors in the films.

3. Rhajik talks a lot about the military when he is talking about guns. What does he say about the military and their need and use of guns?
answer: Rhajiks opinion is, that the military requires that there are weapons, otherwise the military does not work .If there are not any guns, they can not shoot someone when they are at war.

4. Maxwell names some facts about guns. Name at least one of them. Comment on the fact. 
answer: 1.2 fausen millions hands guns a sould every single iare.
5. Maxwell says that the reason why criminals have guns is because the citizens are armed. Do you think that is right? How do you think it is in Denmark?
answer: I don´t think it is right. In Denmark you have to get a permission, from the police  and that is not easy.

6. What does Andrea think should be changed in  America's gun law?
answer: that you should wait a week to get a gun.

7. Rhajik says that power should be returned to the people, the individual. It should be totally legal to own guns. No one should rule. We should be responsible for our own lives. What do you think about this? 
answer: i think he is right in what he says,  as that  we should own a gun, but only for protection of  ourselves. 8. In the end of the dabte, all the debate members are asked to say in short what they think about guns. Choose at least two of the members and write down their opinion. 
answer:  andrea : we must show people how to use a gun and we shall also show them what happens when you use a gun and not to use them without reason.  Rha jik : it is the power of people. people have right to have a gun.
9. Lisa ends the debate by giving the Americans an advice about guns. What does she say?
answer:  so think about it before you loose your mind.

10. Who do you agree with the most of the five members of the debate and why?
 answer: andrea  because that she would like to see a world without guns.

søndag den 29. august 2010


How to make sushi.
Maki sushi:
1. Take a nori sheet and feel on both sides. One side is smooth, and the other side is more rough. The nori shall lie with the rough side facing upwards.

2. Get your hands  wet, and make a handful of rice in to a ball. It is important that you keep your hands wet, when you are working with the rice ball. But when  you work with the nori your hands shall not be wet.

3. You take the rice ball and spread it gently on the nori and there shall be 2 cm margin on the top of the nori.

4. Now you shall place the fish on the nori together with pieces of vegetables.

5. Use the rolling mat to make a rectangular "hill" of the filling.

6. Continue  use the mat to roll the filling very tightly until you reach the end of the nori.

7. Use a wet knife to cut the roll into sushi units. There can be 6-8 units per roll.